All In One Loan
Pay off the home faster — with less money going towards interest, every monthly payment reduces
the overall balance, faster.
The All In One Loan™
Calculate Your Potential Savings
The Interactive Comparison Simulator calculates potential All In One Loan savings benefits compared to a traditional forward-amortized closed-ended mortgage.
Please consult your All In One Loan Certified Mortgage professional Leo Namiot with any questions.
Primary & Second Homes
A Loan Engineered to Enhance Your Lifestyle
For most of us, our primary or second home mortgage is our largest expense; costing us decades in interest payments that slow progress with other important goals. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
The All In One Loan was designed for today’s homeowner and home buyer; providing the financing needed while also accelerating pay-off and interest savings.
Payments are applied to principal first
Reduces monthly, annual, and total interest expense
Have an easier time funding home remodel projects
Build retirement security & achieve mortgage freedom faster
Investment Properties
A Loan Designed with the Investor in Mind
You are not the average mortgage borrower. You need a home financing solution that maximizes your return and enables you to buy additional properties faster.
The All In One Loan combines a thirty-year HELOC with a sweep-checking account to provide you with the flexibility and control of your investments you demand.
Use rental income to lower your principle faster & save interest
Monthly payments reduce automatically
Develops greater monthly positive cash-flow
Fund repairs & other real estate purchases more easily
How it works
Deposit your paychecks & liquid savings.
All deposits are applied directly to loan principal which automatically lowers each day’s interest cost and the monthly interest payment amount.
Pay your bills and expenses as normal.
Your money is kept securely available 24/7 for regular spending needs. ATM cards, checks, online and mobile banking all come standard with each loan.
Payoff decades sooner & save tens of thousands.
No other mortgage product does more to lower costs and maximize the benefits of homeownership.